Unity会面向全球开发者,收集一些使用Unity制作的优秀游戏,并制作成视频集锦,在每次Unite大会的Keynote前面向全球的开发者进行展示。此次Unite Los Angeles 2016就向大家展示了来自全球各地的共计41款游戏,横跨PC、主机、VR及移动平台,并涉及到冒险解谜、动作跑酷等...
In 2016, VR / AR technology has been applied to various fields such asentertainment, education, stimulation and others, It has shown much potential fo...
Vision VR/AR Awards 2016 collected 250 works all over the world. Vision VR/AR Awards 2017 now begins to register. Welcome you to upload your games, vi...
Howard Tian is a media business strategist and an award-winning content creator. Holding a BA Media Arts degree and a Post-graduate Diploma in Finance...
在刚刚结束的Unite Los Angeles 2016大会上,Unity为大家分享了非常多激动人心的新功能、新平台以及新的底层改善内容。而其中由Unity Labs团队带来的EditorVR编辑器,更是让所有人都印象深刻。今天就为大家详细介绍Unity EditorVR编辑器。EditorVR编辑...
Unity Awards颁奖典礼已于Unite Los Angeles首日落下帷幕,来自全球各地的Unity开发者们共同见证了最终获胜作品的揭晓。优胜作品由Unity内部人员与Unity社区开发者们共同参与投票,在获得提名的50部作品,11种不同类型中精心挑选出了最终的获奖作品名单。Unity Aw...